Inner Worlds Outer Worlds Part 1 – Akasha

In the beginning was the Logos, The Big Bang, The primordial Om. Big Bang theory says that the physical universe spiraled out of an unimaginably hot and dense single point called a singularity – billions of times smaller than the head of a pin. It does not say why or how. The more mysterious something is, the more we take for granted that we understand it. It was thought that eventually gravity would either slow the expansion or contract the universe in a big crunch. However, images from the Hubble space telescope show that the universe’s expansion seems to be actually accelerating. Expanding faster and faster as it grows out of the Big Bang. Somehow, there is more mass in the universe than physics predicted. To account for the missing mass, physicists now say that the universe consists of only 4% atomic matter or what we consider normal matter. 23% of the universe is dark matter and 73% is dark energy -what we previously thought of as empty space. It is like an invisible nervous system that runs throughout the universe connecting all things.

The ancient Vedic teachers taught Nada Brahma -the universe is vibration. The vibratory field is at the root of all true spiritual experience and scientific investigation. It is the same field of energy that saints, Buddhas, yogis, mystics, priests, shamans and seers have observed by looking within themselves. It has been called Akasha, The Primordial Om, Indra’s net of jewels, the music of the spheres, and a thousand other names throughout history. It is the common root of all religions, and the link between our inner worlds and our outer worlds.

In Mahayana Buddhism in the third century they described a cosmology not unlike the most advanced physics of modern day. Indra’s net of jewels is a metaphor used to describe a much older Vedic teaching which illustrates the way the fabric of the universe is woven together. Indra, the king of the gods, gave birth to the sun and moves the winds and the waters. Imagine a spider web that extends into all dimensions. The web is made up of dew drops and every drop contains the reflection of all the other water drops, and in each reflected dew drop you will find the reflections of all the other droplets. The entire web, in that reflection and so on, to infinity. Indra’s web could be described as a holographic universe, where even the smallest stream of light contains the complete pattern of the whole.

The Serbian-American scientist, Nikola Tesla, is sometimes referred to as the man who invented the 20th century. Tesla was responsible for discovering alternating current electricity and many other creations that are now part of every-day life. Because of his interest in the ancient Vedic traditions, Tesla was in a unique position to understand science through both an eastern and western model. Like all great scientists, Tesla looked deeply into the mysteries of the outer world, but he also looked deeply within himself. Like the ancient yogis, Tesla used the term Akasha to describe the etheric feel that extends throughout all things. Tesla studied with Swami Vivekananda, a yogi who brought the ancient teachings of India to the West. In the Vedic teachings, Akasha is space itself; the space that the other elements fill, which exists simultaneously with vibration. The two are inseparable. Akasha is yin to Prana’s yang.

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