Samadhi Part 1 – “Maya, the Illusion of the Self”

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Samadhi is an ancient Sanskrit word, for which there is no modern equivalent. There is a fundamental challenge with making a film about Samadhi. Samadhi points to something that can’t be conveyed on the level of mind.

This film is simply the outer manifestation of my own inner journey. The intention is not to teach you about Samadhi, or provide information for your mind, but to inspire you to directly discover your true nature. Samadhi is relevant now more than ever. We are at a time in history where we have not only forgotten Samadhi, but we have forgotten what we forgot.

This forgetting is Maya, the illusion of the self.

As humans most of us live immersed in our daily lives, with little thought of who we are, why we are here, or where we’re going. Most of us have never realized the true self, the soul or what the Buddha called annata – that which is beyond name and form, beyond thinking. As a result we believe we are these limited bodies. We live in fear, either conscious or unconscious, that the limited self structure that we are identified with, will die.

In today’s world the vast majority of people who are engaged in religious or spiritual practices such as yoga, prayer, meditation, chanting or any kind of ritual, are practicing techniques which are conditioned. Which means they are just part of the ego construct. The seeking and the activity isn’t the problem- thinking you have found the answer in some external form is the problem.

Spirituality in its most common form is no different than the pathological thinking that is going on everywhere. It is a further agitation of the mind. More human doing, as opposed to human being. The ego construct wants more money, more power, more love, more of everything. Those on the so-called spiritual path desire to be more spiritual, more awake, more equanimous, more peaceful, more enlightened. The danger for you watching this film is that your mind will want to acquire Samadhi . Even more dangerous is that your mind might think it has acquired Samadhi. Whenever there is a desire to attain something you can be sure that it is the ego construct at work. Samadhi is not about attaining or adding anything to yourself. Read more

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